Thursday, November 20, 2008

I, For One, Welcome Our New NaNoBot Overlords...

I plugged my manuscript in the 'tester' run of the NaNoWriMo Official Counter...and actually GAINED about 700 words! Woot!

NaNoWriMo has been such a huge educational journey this year. I'm hooked. I'm now officially part of the NaNoBorg and want to assimilate as many closeted writers as I can.

I feel the overarching message in the whole is that I can write every day -- and it can be a raucous, wild, free-wheeling, creative ride, instead of a drudge that I have to do.

Oh, and a side message: Housework is NOT essential. (except for laundry and toilets -- those kiiinda need cleaning on a regular basis.)

Given the choice between scrubbing the tub and writing a chapter...?

Well.... just guess which I will pick? heheheheh.


  1. Yea Solard! You go girl! You are on schedule and ahead for the holiday! You think now you can relax and enjoy Thanksgiving!'ll be itching to kick beloved family members to the curb and get back to your story! So excited for you! I'm sooo in next year!

  2. I'm so down with you being 'in' next year! And I will help the best way I know how -- by staying out of your way and making sure you got water after every lap ;-)

    (thems good odds, too -- I'll likely be working plot points out in my head all through dinner!)

    Thanks for the encouragement, Robin! It's actually cool to have a cheering board. (Cheer LEADERS seems too juvenile: you're like my "Board" Of Cheers.)
