I just distilled my writing Mission Statement in one sentence in an email to a friend:
"...I want to write trashy, gossipy, messy, escapist mainstream fiction which gets consumed in mass quantities. -- A lot of it. "
He implored me not to sacrifice my art for filthy lucre... And I had to ask, "Have you
read my stuff?" I'm just sayin'...
Now, I'm not meaning to imply that I've never had more literary, lofty goals -- I am known to spew good intentioned -- but still rather bad -- poetry on occasion... But my writing desire is more satisfyingly filled when I'm spinning an entertaining
story. Full of quirky yet believable characters. Who get thrown into believably simple yet frustrating situations. Who maybe find a little redemption along the way.
wish I had the capabilities of a Jane Austen or -- shoot,
I can't stand 'em, but they've definitely stood the test of time -- even the Bronte sisters to tell stories so full of scope and timelessness that they become classics read the world over. It's
probably not gonna happen... and even if it does? I'll likely be dead, so I won't know anyway.
At the end of the day, I just want to look over a chapter I've cranked out, and smile a little in recognition, wince a little in shared pain, thrill in anticipation, and finally sigh with a little release... I want to...transport, and entertain, and maybe lift up a little... bring a smile... occasionally a tear... maybe just a tiny dash of conviction...?
So, yeah. I wanna tell great stories...but like the kind you tell after a glass of wine, sitting around in front of the fire with a group of friends, just enjoying each other's company. The kind you repeat to other groups of friends because you know they'll bring a smile. The kind of seemingly insignificant event which ends up becoming the gold thread weaving in and out of the tapestry of your days. (What did I tell you about the bad poetry...? See?)
So, yeah. It's not lofty...or significant...and probably won't be a blip on the radar in fifty years...but that's my writing life, in a nutshell.
Here's a quote, from my quietly BRILLIANT husband on writing, and more specifically, editing when you're supposed to be getting the story on paper. He said, "Honey,
trimming an overgrown hedge into a topiary shape is much easier than
growing a hedge into a topiary shape."
I love it -- I've quoted it to everyone who will listen.
So, yeah: Rule 1# - Get the words down while the muse is dictating in your ear like a chipmunk on an amphetimine high -- you can cut, edit, shape, style and beautify
after she crashes into a post-rush dream state.