Sunday, October 19, 2008

Get Back, filthy Muggles!

Pirate Monkey's Harry Potter Personality Quiz
Harry Potter Personality Quiz
by Pirate Monkeys Inc.

You saw it here, I Am Lord Voldemort!!!! Bwahahahahahah! but really I just need a hug *wibble*.

Go and take the test, Death Eaters!


  1. I will! Just, not at the moment but I am intrigued! (though, as a one who holds a psych degree, can I fool the meyers/briggs again?!

    Just wanted to give you a great big HUG! MIss ya!

  2. Awww - I miss you too!

    But I'll see you on Saturday night as you are opening your barn to the Party!

    Your barn is insured..., right? (*wink*)
